Getting started…
Sign up for accounts on,, and up for accounts on,, and
Whether you already enjoy POTA, or have been considering it, take some time to become familiar with BOTH of Planet Earth’s Ham Radio park programs.
Use their resources, similarities, and differences, to provide yourself with a more enjoyable experience as a Park Hunter, Park Activator, or both.
the hunting grounds…
In order to hunt, you need to know where the “game” is located. Bookmark and log into both Dashboards and find who has activations scheduled and follow as the action unfolds or as your time allows. Try to work the Activators that you can hear and get yourself into their logs. Look for some SOTA, GMA, and IOTA spots while you are logged in and remember to throw them a bone too. Now you are well on your way to earning fabulous Amateur Radio prizes!
This democratizes design for non-technical users while offering developers a way to extend WordPress functionality and provide more options to their clients.
scheduling a dual-activation…
Should you decide to “Dual-Activate” a location, you should begin Scheduling and/or Spotting in at least two places… And maybe more!
POTA Scheduling – – Be sure to use the “US” or “CA” Reference number and be mindful of your activation period for RBN spots
WWFF Scheduling info – – Login>Select “Extended”>Enter the “KFF” or “VEFF” Reference number and activation period for RBN spots.
Create the appropriate shortcuts on your phone’s home screen – Trust me on this and use it whenever possible.
spotting activators…
On location and with cell coverage is a beautiful thing. It levels the playing field for the SSB-Only Activators and opens the door to other options and methods.
POTA Spots – – Use the “US” number
WWFF Spots – – Again, use the proper KFF or VEFF Reference number
Think about using SOTA and CQGMA when applicable – Not because SOTA rhymes with POTA either
For USA, consider – Because it continues to bring in the QSOs.
Become familiar with – Save it to your phone or laptop and use it to see how you are being heard on a particular band.
Also is a resource for North-American cross-references, maps, and more.
how to get it done…
I recommend that you “Run the Dual- Activation like POTA” – Why?
You can call CQ POTA or call CQ PARKS on CW and SSB
Both of these statements are widely understood, neither are considered offensive, and neither will earn you a free POTA wrist-slap or a lifetime ban.
WWFF circles openly discuss POTA and don’t try to hide the fact that POTA exists.
This method involves far less effort than having to explain and re-explain what WWFF is and what KFF-Parks are all about.
Most of your “NA P2Ps” will be looking for the POTA number anyway.
Your Scheduled Activation, Self-Spotting, and the Re-Spotting by others, makes it known that you are activating a US-Park for some and a KFF-Park for others – Ying and Yang!
You will begin to receive the “73 44” salutation in addition to “POTA On’s”
when it’s over…
Be sure to upload your .adi log(s) to POTA in a timely manner.
Check out the Call Area Managers on
Simply attach the very same POTA .adi log(s) in an email addressed to your Call Area Manager.
No file modification – No additional effort – Nothing more than an email with log attachment(s).
Should your reference(s) exist in the POTA and WWFF databases, your log(s) will be reviewed, converted, and uploaded with feedback provided by return email.
Rinse and Repeat the next time you head out – Bring more fun to your “Ham Radio/P” operating.
Email your WWFF Call Area Manager and discuss submitting previous 2024 POTA logs for additional WWFF credit. Logs that do not cross-reference will need to be discarded, but those that do cross-reference will be converted and uploaded for even more credit and more fabulous prizes.
Tell a fellow park enthusiast – Enjoy Dual-Activating!